
Rabbi Sherman Weekly Torah Commentary August 26-27, 2022 (30 Av 5782)

 August 26-27, 2022                                                                                         Parashat Re’eh
30 Av 5782                                                                                                      Rosh Chodesh Elul


Shabbat this week coincides with Rosh Chodesh, the first of the month of Elul. This period of reflection and introspection precedes and prepares us for the High Holy Days.

As we begin this process of cheshbon hanefesh (taking an accounting of our souls), we might heed the words of Maimonides who taught in the 12th century: “Do not imagine that character is determined at birth. We have been given free will. Any person can become as righteous as Moses or as wicked as Jereboam. We ourselves decide whether to make ourselves learned or ignorant, compassionate or cruel, generous or miserly. No one forces us, no one drags us along one path or the other. We ourselves, by our own volition, choose our own way.”

May you find meaning as you choose your way in this month of Elul. May your choices lead you to learning, compassion, and generosity, and may they bring you joy, blessings, and peace.

Guest Rabbi Brian Zive – Thursday, August 25 at 3:00 PM in the Synagogue

Rabbi Zive is The Sherman Family (no relation) Associate Rabbinic and Director of Congregational Music Chair at Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’a lot. On the theme Broadening Our Blessings, Rabbi Zive’s presentation is titled: “Wait! There’s a Blessing for That? Our Little-Known Blessings.”

Candle Lighting in the Dining Room – As you know, Residents are not permitted to light flame candles in Resident apartments. Shabbat candles are available in the Dining Room; you are invited to light when you are in the Dining Room for Shabbat dinner.

Please join our Shabbat celebrations in the Synagogue (masks required) or on Channel 1960

Friday at 5:00 PM            Shabbat Blessings in the Dining Room

Friday at 6:30 PM            Shabbat Evening Service with Rabbi Sherman

Saturday at 10:00 AM    Shabbat Morning Service followed by Blessings in the Dining Room


Candle lighting time for Shabbat for the city of Mission Viejo: Friday evening at 7:06 PM

Shabbat ends Saturday evening at 8:00 PM


Shabbat Shalom                                                                                                                                Rabbi Sherman