
Rabbi Sherman’s Weekly Torah Commentary – April 22-23, 2022 (22 Nisan 5782)


April 22-23, 2022                                                                                                    Pesach Day VII
22 Nisan 5782                                                                                                        


Our bellies are filled with a week’s worth of matzah, our hearts are filled with gratitude for freedom, family and friends, and our Passover holiday is coming to a close. The final (8th) day of the Passover holiday is Yom Tov or Yontif, a holy day. On this day, Jewish tradition gives us an opportunity to remember our deceased loved ones with Yizkor.

At our Passover Seder, we dip a vegetable into salt water, symbolizing the tears our ancestors shed while they were slaves in Egypt. At the Seder then, salt symbolizes purity, springtime, and the sea. Rabbi Janet Madden teaches that salt water also symbolizes our grief: “…the salty tears we shed at the time of the loss of our loved ones and perhaps will shed again now, as we remember those we love and from whom we have been physically separated…”

Yizkor gives us a chance to remember the Passover Seders we celebrated with our loved ones when they were still physically with us. It encourages us to express our grief and sadness through salty tears. And it inspires us to create new memories with the ones we love.

Yom HaShoah – Holocaust & Heroism Remembrance Day

Sunday at 10:00 AM         Service & Program honoring our Residents who are Holocaust survivors

Additional Residents welcome to participate in service

Wednesday at 7:00 PM    Service & program with Jewish Collaborative of Orange County

Please join in this week’s Shabbat/Pesach celebrations

Join us for services in the Synagogue (limited seating; masks required) or on Channel 1960

Friday at 5:15 PM             Shabbat Blessings in the Dining Room

Friday at 6:30 PM             Shabbat Evening Service

Saturday at 10:00 AM      Shabbat/Pesach Day VIII and Yizkor (Memorial) Service

Blessings in the Dining Room following the Service

Shabbat/Holiday Candle lighting times for the City of Mission Viejo:

Thursday, April 21 – Passover Day VII – at 7:08 PM

Friday, April 22 – Passover Day VIII/Shabbat and Yizkor candles at 7:09 PM

Saturday, April 23 – Shabbat/Holiday ends Saturday evening at 8:07 PM

Shabbat Shalom & Pesach Sameach                                                               Rabbi Sherman