December 16-17, 2022 Parashat Vayeshev
23 Kislev 5783 Shabbat Mevarkhim haChodesh
The rivalry between Joseph and his brothers challenges us to consider our own speech in relationships. We read in Genesis 37:4: “And when his (Joseph’s) brothers saw that their father loved him (Joseph) more than any of his brothers, they hated him so that they could not speak peaceably to him.” What does this mean?
Three rabbinic commentaries provide some insight. (1) Sforno comments that the brothers did speak about household problems but not about private matters. (2) Ibn Ezra taught that the brothers did not even say hello to him. (3) Radak says the brothers did not discuss matters of common interest, only matters of dispute.
What does it mean to speak peaceably to a person? Who are the people in our lives to whom we fail to speak peaceably? How might we go about changing this?
Hanukkah is coming!! – First candle is Sunday, December 18 at Sundown
Also known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE (Before the Common Era). Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, beginning on the 25th day of Kislev, which corresponds this year to December 18 at sundown. Join HP Residents for candle lighting and singing at 4:15 PM each evening in the Piano Lounge. Enjoy latkes and delicious fried foods all week long prepared by our Dining Services staff. Check out our Gift Shop for Hanukkah treats. And join in the fun at our Annual HP Hanukkah party on Thursday, December 22 at 3:00 PM in the Pavilion – music, games, treats, and more!
Shabbat Mevarkhim HaChodesh
This Shabbat we bless the new month of Tevet, which will begin Friday night and Saturday.
“Torah Talk” — Saturday Afternoons at 1:30 PM
Join us in a study of The Book of Proverbs: A Social Justice Commentary by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz. In his introduction, Rabbi Yanklowitz writes that the Book of Proverbs is “spiritual but not religious.” Let’s learn how these ancient proverbs can have spiritual meaning in our lives today. Masks required. Previous knowledge of Proverbs or the Hebrew Bible NOT REQUIRED!
Please join our Shabbat celebrations in the Synagogue (Masks Required) or on Channel 1960
Friday at 6:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service with Rabbi Sherman
Saturday at 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service followed by Blessings in the Dining Room
Candle lighting time for Shabbat for the city of Mission Viejo: Friday evening at 4:26 PM
Shabbat ends Saturday evening at 5:26 PM
Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Sherman