Diamond Donor Society
History of the Diamond Donor Society
In 1993, Leo Pinsky, of blessed memory, created the Diamond Donor Society to support residents in need of financial assistance. The goal of the program was to enroll at least 100 donors (or companies) that would each commit to an annual donation of $1,000 for 10 years – totaling $1 million.
A sparkling evolution
In 2016, a new Leo Pinsky, of blessed memory, Diamond Donor Endowment Fund was created. With a one-time legacy gift of $25,000, a donor would endow their Diamond in perpetuity. The annual interest income would be used to support our residents in need, while the existing corpus continues to increase.
All Diamond Donor Society levels support the Heritage Fund, formerly known as the Resident Assistance Fund, that supports residents need of financial assistance.
Shining for 25 years
Watch giving in action and take a moment to enjoy our special event celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Diamond Donor Society.

Leo Pinsky Diamond Donor
Endowment Fund Members
Ray & Barbara Alpert Foundation
Nancy & Irving Chase
Said Cohen Foundation
Sandy & Allan (Z”L) Fainbarg
Steven Fainbarg (Z”L)
Roberta Feuerstein
Bonnie Gillman
Eleanor & Irving (Z”L) Jaffe
Bonnie & Brion Jeannette
Nancy & Leonard Joseph
Claire Koff (Z”L)
Jacquee & Mel Lipson
Loretta & Herb Modelevsky
Ann & Joel (Z”L) Moskowitz
Sheila & Leo (Z”L) Pinsky
Meili & Michael Pinto
Meryl & Henry (Z”L) Schrimmer
Phyllis & Sidney Schulman (Z”L)
Martin Schwartzman & Batia Swed
Wayne Schwartzman
Linda & Jean Stern
Roz & Elliot Vogelfanger
Elaine & Irv (Z”L) Weinstein
Diamond Donor Society
Annual Members 2024-2025
Learn more and become a Diamond Donor Society Member today.
Constance Abell
Ida & Rick Bobrow
Judy Devor
Shirley Deutsch
Ellen & John Dieterich
Cheryl & Barry Escoe
Liz Feinman
Arlene & Steve Fienberg
DIBS, Inc. – Laurel Hewitt & Marc Schkurman
Jane & Dennis Fischel
Aviva & Fred Forster
Diane & Elliot Feuerstein
Sharyn & Jonathan Grant
Adrienne & Stuart Green
Jodi & Martin Greenbaum
Audrey & Rob Greenfield
Angela & Jack Holmes
Doris Jacobson
Barry Klatzker
Sue & Dick Katz
Caroline & Bill Klein
Sandy & Robert Klein
Miriam & Leonard Kranser
Lisa & Todd Litman
Teri & David Malkin
Hava & Jason Manasse
Adrienne & Rick Matros
Linda & Frank Meyskens
Barbara & Bill Pisetsky
Daphne Poltorak
Leslye & Sam Prum
Joan & Bernie Rome
Monica Rosenberg
Nicole Rosenberg
Myra Rubin
Muffy & Chuck Rudner
Neil Schneider
Megan & David Schrimmer
Linda & David Siegel
Marla Siegel & Lon Vinikoor
Beth Slavin
Elaine Socol
Debbie & Ira Victer